Aikido, Iaido y Jodo en Málaga
"El viento de una primavera"
Karel Orozco Horta
El viento de una primavera.
Dojo Shinobu 2017
Dojo Shinobu 2016
Iaido is a martial art started in Japan. Samurais already practiced alone to train themselves for a dangerous situation in which they would be with the sheathed sword. Philosophically, a samurai must be always alert and ready to defend himself. Iaido doesn’t only trains the body but as well as the mind to go from an absolute calm to a imminent action.
Iaido practice is a personal way, in which each student trains the same katas once and again to find the perfection in each movement. It’s a way, a philosophy and a continuous fighting against oneself.
Our teaching system is based in the 12 Zen Nihon Kendo Renmei Katas practice that generally are known as Seitei Iai. The Iaido practice is the spine of our school.As it’s a new Dojo and students are new too, we focus on consolidate the technical basis for this martial art development.
Zen Nippon Kendo Renmei Iaido is the style of All Japan Kendo Federation.
This standard Iaido style is also known as Seitei Iaido or Zenkenren Iaido.
The AJKF was founded in 1952, immediately after the independence of Japan and the later prohibition of martial arts in Japan.
To make Iaido popular and to ease Kendo professionals learning Iaido, an experts committee was established by the AJKF to examine the situation. Later, the committee selected the basic techniques of the main Iaido schools to create the studies-plan of Zen Nippon Kendo Renmei Iaido. In 1969, the AJKF showed its Seitei of seven iaido kata.
These come from few of the traditional swords main schools , including Muao Jikiden Eishin-ryu, Muso Shinden Ryu and Hoki-ryu. Three more Kata were added in 1981 and two more in 2000, increasing the number of Seitei Iaido Kata to twelve.
These katas are known officially as “All Japan Kendo Federation Iai”, or Zen Ken Ren Iai and generally known as Seitei or Seitei-gata.The twelve Seitei-gata are standardized to teaching, promotion and spreading iaido inside Kendo federations. Although not all kendo dojos teach Seitei iaido, the AJKF uses them as a standard for its exams and shiai. As a result, Seitei iaido has became in the most iaido recognized form in Japan and the rest of the world.